Case Study: Custom Benchmarks Lead to Successful Products

Submitted by BDTI on Wed, 12/17/2008 - 17:00

Processor and SoC vendors are always looking for the next “killer app.” To enter a new market, though, vendors face two key challenges. First, they must ensure that their product is competitive; and second, they must convince prospective customers of their product’s advantages. These challenges are tough to overcome in new markets due to a lack of well-understood application requirements and established benchmarks. In addition, it is often difficult to obtain reliable information about competing products.

Case Study: Change for the Better—With the help of BDTI

Submitted by BDTI on Wed, 11/19/2008 - 17:14

When is the right time to adopt a new way of doing things? It’s a no-brainer that systems designers have to select a new tool or component when the one they’ve been using is obsoleted.  But should a company adopt a new design methodology when the one they’re using still works?  After all, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”—right?  Well, maybe.