Jeff Bier is a founder and President of BDTI. Mr. Bier has extensive experience in software, hardware, and design tool development for digital signal processing. He is editor and contributor to BDTI’s monthly newsletter, InsideDSP, as well as a regular contributor to numerous industry publications. He is a recognized industry expert, frequently presenting seminars and talks on digital signal processing applications and on technologies targeting those applications—including processors, programmable logic devices, tools, and algorithms. Mr. Bier has held technical and management positions with Acuson Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Labs, Quinn & Feiner, and U.C. Berkeley. Mr. Bier has developed novel multiprocessor DSP architectures and made significant contributions to the U.C. Berkeley Gabriel DSP design project (a high-level design environment for DSP). Mr. Bier received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Princeton University and U.C. Berkeley.
Edward A. Lee is a Senior Technical Adviser and founder of BDTI. Dr. Lee is the Robert S. Pepper Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at U.C. Berkeley and is a Fellow of the IEEE. His DSP involvement began at Bell Telephone Labs with extensive work in programmable DSPs and exploratory work with modems and simultaneous voice and data transmission. His research interests center on design, modeling, and simulation of embedded, real-time computational systems. He is a director of CHESS, the Berkeley Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems, and is the director of the Berkeley Ptolemy project. He is co-author of five books and numerous papers. Dr. Lee’s degrees are from Yale, M.I.T., and U.C. Berkeley.