Case Study: Quantifying the Incremental Battery Draw of Advanced Audio Processing

Submitted by BDTI on Mon, 08/25/2014 - 22:00

Mobile phones are rapidly and dramatically expanding beyond their historical usage as voice-only communications devices, adding a variety of wireless data-fed text, email, web browsing and other functions, supplementing (and in many cases supplanting) the facilities of dedicated still and video cameras, and serving as portable multimedia playback platforms. But all of these functions consume power, and both users and designers of mobile phones are very concerned about battery life.

Case Study: Choosing the Right Benchmarks for the Job

Submitted by BDTI on Mon, 07/21/2014 - 22:03

As embedded processors and applications become increasingly complex, good benchmarks are more important than ever. System designers need good benchmarks to judge whether a processor will meet the needs of their applications, and to make accurate comparisons among processors. Processor developers need good benchmarks to assess how their processors stack up against the competition, and to prove their processors' capabilities to customers.

But what exactly comprises a good benchmark?

Jeff Bier’s Impulse Response—What’s the Best Processor for Embedded Vision?

Submitted by Jeff Bier on Mon, 07/21/2014 - 22:02

These days, more and more product creators are incorporating computer vision into their designs. At the recent Embedded Vision Summit conference, a majority of the roughly 500 attendees reported that they are currently working on a vision-enabled product, or plan to start a vision-based design within the next year.

Synopsys' EM5D and EM7D Processor Cores: The ARC Architecture Gains DSP Capabilities

Submitted by BDTI on Mon, 07/21/2014 - 22:00

Although the ARC brand has kept a relatively low profile since being acquired by Synopsys in 2009, Synopsys reports that the ARC family of licensable cores are on track to ship more than 1.5 billion units this year. Until recently, ARC's offerings were "vanilla" Harvard architecture CPUs with no DSP-optimized features.

Jeff Bier’s Impulse Response—Creating Machines That See: Show or Tell?

Submitted by Jeff Bier on Wed, 06/18/2014 - 22:01

In 2011, I spoke with Professor Jitendra Malik, a distinguished computer vision researcher and teacher at U.C. Berkeley. Professor Malik, tongue-in-cheek, remarked that he is frequently frustrated when trying to explain his work to non-technical people. In their minds, his research often sounds like an awful lot of effort just to enable a computer to approach the object-recognition capabilities of a toddler.

Case Study: Diverse Assistance Leads To Vision Processing Optimization Success

Submitted by BDTI on Wed, 06/18/2014 - 22:00

As computer vision is deployed into a variety of new applications, driven by the emergence of powerful, low-cost, and energy-efficient processors, companies need to find ways to squeeze demanding vision processing algorithms into size-, weight-, power, and cost-constrained systems. Fortunately, BDTI's foundation as a benchmarking services company has, as has been mentioned before, provided its engineers with extensive skills in optimizing software to best exploit processor capabilities.

Synopsys Acquires Custom-Processor Design Tool Supplier Target Compiler Technologies

Submitted by BDTI on Mon, 04/28/2014 - 22:02

Corporate acquisitions occur for many reasons. Sometimes the market is too small to support multiple participants. Sometimes the acquiring company wants to eliminate a competitor, with aspirations of obtaining the acquired company's customers in the process. Sometimes the acquired company's products are deemed superior in some way, or maybe the acquiring company just wants to get access to a "crack" team of employees. And sometimes multiple of these motivations are behind the transaction.