The bottom line? Better decisions. Greater profits. Less risk.
We’ve helped hundreds of executives grapple with their thorniest technology strategy problems in the microprocessor, programmable logic, signal processing, and embedded technology fields. We can help with:
- Technology strategy. As an executive you face tough technology business decisions every day. What should your technology strategy be? Where should you invest? Is Company X the right partner for you going forward? Where are there market opportunities to exploit? BDTI's Strategy Forge service provides the insights and perspective you need to make the right decisions.
- Product roadmap. Should you proceed with that new project? Is your product portfolio the right one to bet on for the future? How will your competitors react to your new strategic initiative? BDTI's Product Crucible service delivers analysis and advice to help you improve competitiveness and differentiation.
- Corporate messaging. How should you present your technology strategy to investors? Does that new product announcement have the technical weight it needs to impress the market? Does your messaging ring true? BDTI's Sounding Board service gives you the technically informed, industry insider perspective that ensures your audience hears what you want to say—in the way you want it heard.
- Due Diligence. Considering an investment or acquisition? BDTI can quickly turn around technical due diligence on your investment target.
- Patent Litigation Support. BDTI helps both plaintiffs and defendants with patent litigation support, including prior art searches and invalidity contention claims.
With BDTI as your business advisor you get a perspective that is:
- Broad. By virtue of our position in the embedded processing industry, we’re always up to date on the latest products, trends, and technologies.
- Deep. We’ve been at this for 20 years. Unlike some management consulting companies, we actually understand embedded processing technology—from gates and assembly code all the way up to the profit and loss statement.
- Independent. BDTI doesn’t have a vested interest in selling you on a particular technology or convincing you of some predetermined point of view. As one observer said about our firm, “These guys make a living telling the truth.”
- Trusted. Companies trust us with their most sensitive strategy questions for one reason: because we’ve earned it. Our track record is outstanding, and our repeat customer base testifies to it.
The bottom line? Better decisions. Greater profits. Less risk.
To learn how BDTI can help you give us a call at +1 925 954 1411 or contact us via the web today. All inquiries are confidential.