The Embedded Vision Alliance has announced the call for presentations for the 2019 Embedded Vision Summit, to take place at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California, May 20–23, 2019.
The Embedded Vision Summit is the preeminent conference on practical computer vision, covering applications from the edge to the cloud. It attracts a unique audience of over one thousand product creators, entrepreneurs, and business decision-makers who are creating and using computer vision technology. It’s the ideal venue for sharing insights and getting the word out about interesting new technologies, techniques, applications, products, and practical breakthroughs in computer vision.
If you are interested in presenting at the Summit, please read on. To maximize the likelihood that your proposal will be accepted, please submit it as soon as possible—the program is being formed now!
The Embedded Vision Summit has experienced exciting growth over the last few years and organizers are working hard to make the 2019 Summit the best event yet. The requirements for Summit presentations are outlined below. Summit organizers have found that adhering to these guidelines enables a superior experience for attendees. (97% of 2018 Summit attendees reported that they’d recommend the event to a colleague.)
The Summit program will incorporate four presentation tracks:
Tracks 1–3:
- Technical Insights. These presentations focus on practical technical education at an intermediate or advanced level. Experienced engineers present techniques, trade-offs, and case studies useful to vision product developers.
- Business Insights. Presentations in this track focus on providing insights useful to business decision makers, including market and technology trends, business models and case studies illustrating how vision technology is delivering value to consumers, businesses and other organizations.
- Fundamentals. These introductory tutorials are intended for those who are new to practical computer vision—or some aspects of it. These talks provide a fast-track technical learning experience delivering practical computer vision know-how that attendees can put to work right away.
- All presentations in the Technical Insights, Business Insights, and Fundamentals Tracks are non-promotional.
Track 4:
- Enabling Technologies. Presentations in the Enabling Technologies Track provide an opportunity for Alliance Member companies to highlight their products. Presented in a dedicated theater in the Technology Showcase area, Enabling Technologies presentations are close at hand to Member company booths and demos.
- Sponsors at the Diamond, Premier Plus, Premier and Gold levels will have Enabling Technologies presentation slots reserved for them. Other Member companies may reserve Enabling Technologies presentation slots for a sponsorship fee. All Enabling Technologies presentations must be approved by the conference organizer.
Alliance Membership and Embedded Vision Summit Sponsorship: Any company may propose a presentation for an Embedded Vision Summit track. (A non-Member company that wishes to present its products or proprietary technology should propose an Enabling Technologies Track presentation. If the presentation is a fit with the Summit program, the company will be invited to become a Member of the Embedded Vision Alliance. Membership in the Alliance is a prerequisite for acceptance of an Enabling Technologies Track presentation.)
If you want to make a presentation about your company’s products or technology, exhibit in the Vision Technology Showcase, or become a Summit sponsor, please contact Kimberly Vaupen, Director of Member Programs, at to learn about Alliance membership and the associated opportunities for exposure at the Summit.
The Embedded Vision Summit has become a highly regarded industry event largely on the strength of its presentation program. To maintain the outstanding quality of the program, the Alliance requires that all Summit presentations and speakers meet the following criteria:
- Talks should be substantive, insightful, and educational. Presentations that promote commercial technologies are permitted only in the Enabling Technologies Track and should be technical in nature.
- Presentations in the Technical Insights, Business Insights and Fundamentals Tracks should present practical insights, data, and techniques that attendees can put to use, whether or not they use your company’s products.
The best Summit talks focus on:
- Computer vision applications such as: automotive, robotics, drones, security, entertainment, retail, consumer, industrial, etc.
- Computer vision design and development techniques: algorithms, low-power design, leveraging the cloud, trade-off studies, etc.
- Computer vision business opportunities: market data, trends, business models, deployment case studies, etc.
- (In the Enabling Technologies Track only) Commercially available components, algorithms, tools, and services that product developers can use to incorporate vision into systems, chips, and applications.
Additional considerations for proposed presentations include:
- Talks should be presented by speakers who have strong public speaking skills and subject matter expertise. Presentations in the Technical Insights Track should be presented by individuals in engineering or engineering management roles.
- Organizers encourage joint presentations with customers and partners.
- All talks will take place on May 21st or 22nd, 2019 in Santa Clara, California.
- Most presentations will be 20-25 minutes long, plus about 5 minutes for Q&A. Selected presentations (including many in the Fundamentals Track) will be 45-50 minutes long, plus about 10 minutes for Q&A.
- All talks must use the Embedded Vision Summit PowerPoint template, which will be distributed in January. The template includes a place for your company logo.
Proposal Deadline: Organizers are currently building the program for the 2019 Embedded Vision Summit and will continue to accept proposals until the agenda is full. Summit presentation proposals will be reviewed as they arrive; however, because Summit presentation slots are limited, the organizers encourage you to submit your proposal as soon as possible.
To propose a Summit presentation, please submit the following information ASAP at
- Company information [required]
- Company name (as you want it to appear in the program)
- Speaker information [required]
- Name (as you want it to appear in the program)
- Job title (as you want it to appear in the program)
- E-mail address
- Business phone number
- Business postal address
- Mobile phone number (not for publication in the program)
- Speaker bio summary (<150 words)
- Additional contact person information [optional]
- Name
- Job title
- E-mail address
- Business phone number
- Mobile phone number
- Presentation title [required]
- Targeted track [required] (See descriptions above.)
- Abstract: Describe the scope and depth of the talk, including key examples to be used (<150 words). [required]
- Detailed outline [required]
- Description of target audience (job function, experience level) [required]
- Purpose: What will the audience gain from this talk (<25 words)? [required]
- What is the relationship between the proposed presentation topic and the speaker’s company’s business (<50 words)? [required]
- Previous Summit presentation history [required]:
[ ] I have previously presented at the Embedded Vision Summit.
[ ] I have not previously presented at the Embedded Vision Summit.
(Note: First-time Summit speakers are required to have a phone conversation with the conference organizer. If you are a first-time Summit speaker, please contact us to arrange a call.) - Summit commitment [required]
[ ] If my presentation is accepted, I will commit to:- Appear at the Summit to present (no substitute speakers).
- Using the official Embedded Vision Summit slide template.
- Submitting and revising slides according to the schedule in my acceptance letter.
- Updating my slides in response to feedback from the organizers.
- Allowing my slides to be distributed after the event.
- Allowing a video recording of my presentation to be distributed after the event.
- Following the Speaker Guidelines.
To propose a Summit presentation, please submit the information detailed above ASAP at