BDTI Success Story #94: Dev Kit Competitive Analysis

The order from executive management at a top-ten semiconductor manufacturer was as clear as it was audacious: "Make our development kits the best in the world for out-of-box experience and ease of use."

Easy to say, tough to do.

The semiconductor company turned to BDTI for assistance.  Drawing on our years of experience with chips and tools for embedded processing, BDTI launched a consulting engagement that combined competitive analysis, product review, and technology strategy.

We worked hand in hand with the company's engineers to understand the competitive landscape and to define a framework for comparing development kits -- and our independent perspective assured that the analysis was realistic and accurate.

In the end, we reviewed more than a dozen development kits from across the spectrum of embedded processing, from the simplest microcontrollers to advanced FPGAs, undertaking real-world projects with them to learn how they really performed.

The result?  An accurate understanding of exactly where the semiconductor company's development kits stood relative to the competition -- and a clear path forward for making their kits best of breed.

To discuss how a BDTI competitive analysis can help your company, call us at +1 925 954 1411 or contact us via the web.  All inquiries are confidential.